I have always loved to donate items for school auctions. These are things that I donated to my kids school for their Harvest Bazaar Auction that helps fund the 6th graders to go to outdoor school. Had a lot of fun with these. Our PTA also started a new program this year, Adopt A Classroom, and I have enjoyed being able to donate signs for each classroom that has been adopted. If you have a business or know of a business that would like to adopt a Classroom at Holcomb Elementary, please contact me for more information. A great way to support a childs classroom, get some great publicity and advertizing, and also enjoy the tax donation.
If you have a school or charity event located in the Portland metro area and would like a donation towards your event, please contact Melissa at 503-545-6868. I love to be able to help schools and other organizations that help the community. I would need to be contacted at least 2-3 weeks before the event. Donated items and amounts vary depending on availability and how many requests I receive. The earlier you contact me, the better your chances of receiving a higher donation amount. (Just a side note, almost every item I have donated towards auctions has sold for retail value, and at times have sold for more than the retail value).